Upcoming events.

Senior Luncheon
Seniors gather for a potluck soup & salad lunch. Then hear from local medical professionals about aging and dementia.

Ladies Lunch Bunch
Join with Beulah ladies for lunch out on the town! Meets bi-monthly, at different restaurants around town.

Kings Players Presents: Days of Glory
A musical passion play of the greatest story ever told. The audience experiences Jesus giving the Sermon on the Mount, healing the blind man, raising Lazarus, Christ’s Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem, Jesus teaching in the temple, the first Lord’s Supper, Jesus’ agonizing prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane and trial by the priests, his examination by Pilate, Crucifixion, and glorious Resurrection.

One Noel Christmas Production
Experience His coming in a new, dynamic way! Feel His presence challenging us to share the Gospel with people around us and the world! Worship Jesus as the Child in the manger and the King of Kings! 40 Voice Choir - Special Illuminations - Handbells - Parade of Nations (Costumes and Flags) Finale

One Noel Christmas Production
Experience His coming in a new, dynamic way! Feel His presence challenging us to share the Gospel with people around us and the world! Worship Jesus as the Child in the manger and the King of Kings! 40 Voice Choir - Special Illuminations - Handbells - Parade of Nations (Costumes and Flags) Finale
All Church Thanksgiving Dinner
Everyone is invited to share a delicious Thanksgiving meal.

Senior Game Day
This is going to be a time of food, fun, fellowship and friendly competition as we play various board, card, and team games! We’d love for you to join us because the more friends that come, the more fun it will be! The fun starts on Friday, November 15th at 2 pm and we do ask that you bring a sweet or salty snack to share. If you have any questions, just see Jessica Torres or Janice Pugliese.

Senior Luncheon
While we are meeting for lunch every month, this luncheon is an early Thanksgiving dinner! The meat will be provided, so all you need to bring is yourself and a side or dessert to share. Come join us as we share how God has blessed us and what we are thankful for.

Ladies Lunch Bunch
Join the gals at Olive Garden for lunch. You will enjoy a delicious lunch and meet some new friends.
Senior Craft Day
On November 1st at 10 am in the Fellowship hall, we will have our first Senior Craft Meet. Join us as we make a fall candle holder using a mason jar! Cost is $2 a person and all the supplies are included. Everyone is welcome, but to ensure we have enough supplies just let Jessica or Jennifer Torres know that you want to attend - Hope to see you there!

6:26 Bible Study
This study is for college-aged adults. We will study the book of Philippians this Fall.

6:26 Bible Study
This study is for college-aged adults. We will study the book of Philippians this Fall.

Ice Cream Social
Come out for a fun night of fellowship and indulge in some ice cream or dessert!

CEF 5- Day Club (Day 5)
For all kids ages 5-12! Come for a fun time learning about God’s love.

CEF 5- Day Club (Day 4)
For all kids ages 5-12! Come for a fun time learning about God’s love.

CEF 5- Day Club (Day 3)
For all kids ages 5-12! Come for a fun time learning about God’s love.

CEF 5- Day Club (Day 2)
For all kids ages 5-12! Come for a fun time learning about God’s love.